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How are we supposed to believe anything you say when you get basic facts so wrong?

16 homicides that are murders, with 2!additional homicides. Homicide is NOT necessarily murder.

And nice fantasy that there have been 50 shootings this year. There are over 30 every month so far.

If you are going to trash law enforcement, at least get your story so it isn’t all unicorns and rainbows.

And how in God’s name can anyone VOTE someone in the job as a chief who has no clue what police do? Civilians are not first responders, they are civilians. You want an suit with a huge ego in the department making life and death calls, minute by minute?

I’ve have police intercede in a way that actually saved me. I’m really glad a politician didn’t show up instead.

From: Lansing needs a new top cop. The last one regrets taking the job.

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